Rainbow Sundae 3.13


???: “Thanks for showing me around.”

???: “Not a problem, Nial. Glad to help, this building is massive.”

Nial: “Thanks again anyway, Manu.”


Nial: “So anything else I should know before I get started?”

Manu: “Well there is one thing, but I don’t know if I should say.”


Nial raised his eyebrow. He was a serious sort of guy that didn’t like obstacles when it came to doing his job. If there was something he needed to know about his new role in the company, then he wanted to know what it was.

Nial: “If it’s something that could affect my job…”

Manu: “Yes and no.”

Nial refrained from sighing. Some people enjoyed collecting little tidbits of information and he was afraid this office was going to be full of them.

Manu: “Alright, alright. Just watch out for the boss.”

Nial: “The boss?”

Manu: “She’s a maneater.”


Nial gave Manu a half smile as he walked away.

Nial: “I’ll keep that in mind.”

Nial kept from shaking his head in disbelief.


The offices of the Fraiser building were upscale and in the heart of the City. The view of the city was amazing and the furnishings of the office cost more than most people in the vast city made in a year. Opulence was the standard when all the company’s money came raining in from government grants and the taxpayer’s dime.

Business had been in an uptick for the last few years since a powerhouse new manager had taken over the real estate division of Fraiser Foundations. She was a force to be reckoned with and had earned a reputation from the board as a shrewd businesswoman. Her employees just thought of her as a shrew however.


Fern: “Kristen, what’s the status on my 9:30?”

Kristen: “He’s running late, but Mr. Fraiser called to say he would be arriving ahead of schedule.”

Fern: “Any messages for me?”

Kristen: “Cora Andrews left a message declining your invitation to dinner.”


Fern’s smile was tight on her face. Another invitation declined. She had been on a grand total of one date with Cora. Fern had considered the date to be a charming diversion. That’s all her love life had been for the last few years, a series of diversions to break up the intensity of her career.

She had wished that Cora would have chosen to divert her attention a little longer. Now she was left without a plus one for a charity event being held by the board. She could always ask Micah, but taking your best friend to a charity ball was worst than taking a cousin to prom.

Kristen was watching her. Judging her with that smug little look on her face.

Fern: “I’ll be in my office. Make tea for Mr. Fraiser. Follow the instructions on the bag this time.”


Davion Thacker was on her team. Normally, it would be strange to have a former romantic partner as an employee, but so far it hadn’t caused any problems. Besides the fact that Davion’s mere existence reminded her of her past. A thorn constantly pricking her to remind her of all the people she had hurt.

Her past was behind her. What she had now was her career and the power that went along with it. She had respect and she had the chance to influence the future of the Fraiser Foundation.


Davion: “I’ve got those reports you asked for. Want me to bring them to your office now?”

Fern: “That won’t be necessary. Leave them with Kristen, I’ll retrieve them later.”


Jaxson was early. Fern smiled at her uncle and they walked into her office to discuss the upcoming fiscal year.


Kristen: “She’s such a bitch, why do you always suck up to her?”

Davion: “It’s not sucking up, it’s strategic alignment.”

Kristen: “Must be nice being the big boss’ niece.”

Davion: “Wonder what she does to stay on his good side.”

Kristen laughed. It was the sound of a malicious pixie in the mire.

Kristen: “You are awful.”

Later that afternoon…


The reports and the upcoming fiscal year were promising. Jaxson had big plans and Fern was eager to share them with her team.


Her team’s lack of enthusiasm was less than endearing. She eyed the team. Only Manu and the new team member seemed remotely interested.


She watched the reactions as she delivered the numbers. They were up three percent over last year. Why weren’t they more excited over it?


The new hire spoke up and Fern turned to look at him. He was attractive in a bookish sort of way. A thin man with a crisp fold starched into his shirt.

Nial: “How much of the three percent can be disregarded due to property devaluation?”


Fern’s eyes lit up. He was actually listening and following along?


Fern left her podium and took a seat near the new hire. She smiled at him.

Fern: “I don’t think we’ve met yet. I’m Fern Fraiser. It’s refreshing to be able to engage someone in a discussion over our company’s growth, Mr…”


Nial: “Lorne. Nial Lorne.”

Fern: “It’s a pleasure, Mr. Lorne.”

They discussed business as everyone in the room turned to bored mush.

Author’s Notes:

Nial is pronounced like the name Neal. Typically there’s two LL’s on the name Nial… but *shrug* He’s named after Papa Nihil from the band Ghost… which I was too lazy to look up the spelling until now. *tosses hands in air* 

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