Rainbow Sundae 4.31

Author’s Notes:

Have I mentioned that I hate staging sims and prioritizing screenshots over gameplay? I’m sure a lot of you feel the same way when writing your own simlits. But I wanted to start this chapter with an apology that there will be some story leaps that just don’t have screenshots. I just didn’t think of capturing those parts of the narrative. Sorry.

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Rainbow Sundae 4.29

Guilt gnawed at Dorian’s insides like a trapped rat eager for escape. He knew he should feel guilty. Hell, he should feel worse.

He’d spent all day avoiding both girls. It was clear that Izzy knew something was bothering him. She didn’t approach him about it, instead withdrawing into herself. Miri, on the other hand, wouldn’t get out of his business. The mere sight of her brought forth a wellspring of unpleasant emotions. He was going to have to talk to them and soon.

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Rainbow Sundae 4.25


(unless the timeline doesn’t match, in which case… whatever, it’s sim time)


It had been two months since Aaron had seen Lilith. He felt like a loser. He missed her so fucking much. They had talked over the phone, but it wasn’t the same. He missed her stupid smile, her shitty humor, her killer tits and ass, and the way she–

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Rainbow Sundaes 4.24

Some random amount of time later…


Dorian hadn’t figured out how to ask Izzy to marry him. It’s not that he was avoiding it, but it just seemed more difficult than it should be. Shouldn’t things just naturally progress from dating to engagement? Like maybe he didn’t actually have to ask and she’d just transition into being his fiancΓ©. That happened right?

Dorian wondered how his father had asked his mother to marry him. Then again, Dorian was pretty sure his mother was pregnant with him when his Dad asked… so that was a given that they would get married.

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Rainbow Sundae 4.23

There was only one person Dorian could go to for advice…

That person happened to be just a little younger than him though. Dorian would never understand how Poe could be so much wiser when he was the younger brother.


Dorian: “So have you noticed anything different about Izzy lately?”

Poe’s eyebrows lifted up and he struggled to swallow the bite of bite of breakfast. Had his dense brother finally realized that Miri’s presence threatened fragile Izzy’s self-esteem? The ball of toast refused to go down and he could only mumble.

Poe: “Mmmph?”

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